All the Cuteness: Baby Photos with a Baby Calf

The saying goes that we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors; we borrow it from our children. At the farm that sense of responsibility to our kids is amplified, as we watch them discover for the first time the joys of dandelion fields and calf kisses. It’s with this feeling in mind that Meadowbrook Acres Farm cares for our animals and 650 acres of farmland. These shots were taken at our farm with the grandkids.

Whether it’s calves or kids - the time when they’re babies is something special and goes by in the blink of an eye. If our two-year old could read the title of this blog she would say, “I’m not a baby!” She’s trying so hard to grow up so fast. I want to freeze time and remember her two-isms forever.

Our little guy was 7.5 months old when we took these photos in May. It’s an age I love because he’s still hanging on to his sweet baby face, yet is on the brink of crawling and becoming more independent.

meadowbrook acres milton calf

The calf in the photo is the youngest of the three - about two-weeks old. If humans could walk that soon after birth, we’d be in trouble!

Thanks to Michaela Tomko Photography for capturing these photos. None of our 3 mini-subjects sat still for more than two seconds during the shoot, and it’s a miracle these photos exist!

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Hardie family meadowbrook acres milton vermont


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